PEEL - Gloucestershire Ambassadors
Welcome to the 11 Ambassadors for Vulnerable Children & Young People in Gloucestershire. These exceptional young adults are employed by Gloucestershire County Council to support the voice of the child in Children’s Services. They have grown in strength and resilience to become mentors for others who have experienced similar childhood hardship and traumas.
Grand Prix
Gold: Best use of Photography
Gold: Publications
Certificate for
Outstanding Creativity
Gold: Craft –
Silver: Most Creative use of Media
Silver: Public Services
PEEL participants share their thoughts
Over the weekend they came together to participate in the PEEL programme to write poems about each other and then take a portrait of each other that represents who they are, not just what they look like. We made friends, learnt a lot about each other, had a lot of fun and shared some tears too. It felt like one big family and has left a strong impression on all of us.
Exploring poetry and photography in the studio
The poems and prints represent the two-day weekend output by these 11 exceptionally creative young people. Their work will form part of a bigger exhibition in the near future.
This work was exhibited at the Parabola Arts Centre, Cheltenham