Cheltenham Borough Council
Featuring a national hub for cyber industry and the creation of a visionary garden community, The Golden Valley Development is one of the most exciting infrastructure projects in the UK. Cheltenham Borough Council needed to communicate its potential to global investors. Having been inspired by the huge scope and vision for the project, we created the name 'The Golden Valley Development' and delivered a brand and world of content that would bring the project to life.
If ever you were looking for a reason to believe in Cheltenham, here it is. That’s a great video of a kind a local authority wouldn’t have dreamt of producing a few years ago. Cheltenham is going to bounce back from COVID-19 and with ambitions like this, just watch us go.
Kevan Blackadder, Director at Cheltenham Business Improvement District
Quite possibly the most Rock and Roll trailer for the most Rock and Roll project. Super exciting to see this incredible investment in the UK’s Cyber innovation sector off to a flying start.
Alisha Lewis – Twitter 8th May

The Golden Valley Development is a project on the outskirts of Cheltenham which will include the UK’s largest concentration of cyber industry. In addition to this, the development will see the creation of a new garden community with 3,000 homes built alongside two million square feet of commercial floorspace. In short, a project like no other in Britain.
ASHA & Co was appointed in February 2020 by Cheltenham Borough Council to help them communicate this world class investment opportunity to potential global stakeholders. We had two weeks to meet the international exhibit deadline.
To help bring this to life for potential partners, we created a name, concept, brand positioning, and a naming architecture with a host of new communications around the initial investment opportunity. Rather than show the usual architects visuals and town planning documents, the core communications focussed on the UK’s largest cyber cluster already based in Gloucestershire. The overall driving idea was to deliver a compelling message of the pioneering spirit and free-thinking entrepreneurship that already exists here.

Inspired by nearby GCHQ, the promotional events collateral conveys the essence of British security and intelligence. Invited attendees can input a code from their hand-delivered golden invite to access a private member’s area of the Golden Valley website with information on upcoming, special events.
Visit the launch site here:

growth in UK cyber industry in the last two years
of businesses experienced a security breach or attack in 2019
cyber security firms active in the UK
With only two weeks to deliver all the communications material, we created a short two-minute documentary trailer to communicate not only the development opportunity, but also the fact that Cheltenham is recognised as one of the UK’s best places to live, work and raise a family (2019 Telegraph survey).

We took portraits of some of the people playing key roles in the development. Simultaneously, video interviews were carried out with them. This gave us unique editorial and photographic content which we used online, in the trailer and in the creation of a special edition magazine.

ASHA & Co also named and created a new magazine, XO featuring interviews with leading figures involved in the local development and tech sectors.
The package presents investors with an exciting opportunity to be part of a dynamic and revolutionary project in the heart of the UK with world class reach.
The positive feedback we have received following the launch of the Golden Valley campaign has been phenomenal. It has certainly put Cheltenham on the map as the UK Cyber capital. The campaign perfectly captured our vision and ambition for the development and helped position Cyber Central UK as truly unique and globally important. Excellent work ASHA & Co.
Tim Atkins, Managing Director of Place and Growth, Cheltenham Borough Council
Council procurement plans are usually very dry documents, where the only colour is a local authority logo. That’s not how Cheltenham Borough Council rolls. Instead, on its website, we have a blockbuster trailer for the Golden Valley development – “home of Cyber Central” - which features helicopters, robots with balloons, horses (naturally) and even Hillary Clinton (blink and you’ll miss her). Set to an ominous soundtrack, it begins with the striking juxtaposition of Gloucestershire’s rolling hills against dire warnings of 4,000 cyber-attacks daily...
Featured on (Estates Gazette)
The ad campaign was designed to create a sense of anticipation similar to the launch of a blockbuster film. Using an eye-catching image of a solar eclipse, we created online banner ads and a special two page print ad that would deliver the intrigue and impact on one page, followed by detail of the project on the reverse.