The British Computer Society
Trust Truth Campaign
For over 60 years BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT has been at the forefront of computing evolution. With change coming ever faster, the impact that technology is having on society has never been more fiercely discussed. The campaign we created highlighted three key areas - Artificial Intelligence, Ethical use of Data and Cyber Crime. By questioning the trust we place in the systems around us, we reinforced BCS’ position as the organisation with the most authority to be holders of ‘The Truth’.
BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT is an organisation with 68,000 members in 150 countries helping to make computing better for everyone. BCS supports people working in the industry, engaging audiences with the latest thinking, developments and cultural issues relating to IT.

To reinforce their standing as the authoritative forum for discussion, BCS needed a campaign around three areas where IT is impacting society – Ethical use of Data, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Crime. The aim was to engage all levels of the IT industry, as well as the public, in the ongoing debate, with BCS providing the forum.

By questioning the trust we place in the technological systems controlling the world around us, and seeding the idea that the ‘truth’ is fluid, subjective and open to interpretation, the campaign encourages us all to engage with the debate and help shape a better future. The use of stark, black and white typography gave the feel of a piece of code or a system hack. The many applications were designed to play into industry professionals’ in-depth knowledge as well as the wider concerns of the public.

most trusted authority in IT
countries signed up to campaign
clickthroughs per month

We needed to engage with audiences on many levels both inside and outside the organisation. ASHA & Co worked closely with us to create a campaign which gave us both the impact and the intrigue – it’s really got people talking.
Paul Fletcher, Chief Executive, BCS