
The world’s leading conservation organisation needed to bring clarity to its identity and meaning to its strategy to strengthen its global impact. We worked with WWF to transform them into a brand which could be seen as more than a localised agitator for the preservation of wildlife.

In creating ‘World With a Future’ we gave the brand a global vision. We also designed a streamlined and coherent identity system which brought new life to the famous panda.


WWF is one of the world’s largest and most respected independent conservation organisations – supported by five million people and active in over 100 countries on five continents. Their focus has evolved from the localised efforts in favour of single species that characterised WWF in the 1960s, to new horizons encompassing national, regional and global scales of complexity.


Establishing a new meaning: ‘World With a Future’ gave the organisation something to rally behind and drove the new identity. Creating a Panda Stencil turned the mark into a powerful campaigning asset that could own an area of work.

WWF has a presence in more than 100 countries, so the scale and diversity of our worldwide operation were at the core of this challenge. For the first time in our history we have a tool that will allow us to build an incredibly strong and cohesive global picture of who we are and what we do, and to connect with people and partners at an unprecedented level.

Danielle Chidlow – Director of 
Brand Strategy, WWF International

Wwf marque saving tigers
Wwf marque reduce gas emissions
Wwf marque protecting eco systems
Wwf marque regulating logging

They needed to be able to express the breadth of their work to help them engage with audiences in the public domain - governments, local authorities, business and education. At the same time, they wanted to inspire the WWF global network to be ‘on brand’ in their creative expression of the organisation by giving clear guidance and a set of tools to create a more cohesive brand across the world.

WWF Literature spread 2
WWF Mag envelope

Many of the initiatives that WWF is involved in are undertaken in partnership with other organisations and businesses. We rationalised these relationships by developing a partnership mark for all collateral. This describes the nature of the partner’s role, or that of WWF’s in the work being done, giving space for partner branding, and also allowing the WWF brand to be clearly signalled in partner’s worlds.

Wwf label
Living planet REPORT UPDATE

Using the panda as punctuation ensured statements about key issues could be made more ownable.

The Living Planet Report is a comprehensive study of trends in global biodiversity and the health of the planet.

Combining powerful imagery with impactful information design, the flagship Living Planet Report won Design Week’s award for Best Annual Report.

Wwf typography

By creating a clear distinction between the ‘science’ and the ‘emotion’ elements that WWF were presenting, we enabled them to tailor their communication to engage different audiences. Now, stunning wildlife photography is used on fundraising collateral (heart), while reports can draw on a flexible range of infographics to deliver hard facts when required (head).




All the work we did was captured and clearly defined in a comprehensive brand guideline which has proved invaluable in ensuring that the brand is consistently expressed at both a local and an international level. As part of a comprehensive toolkit of basic elements, we created a bespoke font to give WWF greater ownership of the key issues they campaign on.

Our work has helped WWF to build a strong and dynamic global brand.

Global conservation charity WWF-UK has attracted record-breaking donations in response to its re-launched supporter magazine...The ‘tiger special’ issue carried the organisation’s refreshed verbal and visual identity, which was originally created by branding agency ASHA & Co.

WWF Press Release