Lock Down Hero
Celebrating the strength at the heart of a community, Lock Down Hero is a photographic project created by Marksteen Adamson to celebrate the generosity of spirit and the enterprising initiatives shown by ordinary people in local communities in and around Cheltenham. From hairdressing, baking and sewing, to home-schooling, counselling and delivering… there is an army of unsung heroes. Volunteers helping us get through the difficulties presented by lockdown, with their new-found roles, responsibilities and positivity (often funding these pursuits and paying for necessary materials out of their own pockets). Introducing the ‘Lock Down Heroes’...
“The ongoing COVID pandemic and associated social restrictions have made 2020 a testing time for many of us. It has thrown up new challenges and has shown how resilience and positivity can surface when people are confronted with a crisis.”
Marksteen Adamson
Nominations were invited for people who had gone out of their way to help others by learning a new skill or providing a much needed service. Marksteen took portraits of the successful nominees. These were made into posters with a short summary of their new-found skill and posted, with permission, on social media. The project shows a community full of positive action, a diverse range of people with a generous, can-do, approach to life.
Featured in SoGlos and GraphisBlog
‘Lock Down Hero’ Marksteen interview on BBC Radio Gloucestershire